The Seven Beggars Studio
Paintings by Moreen Greenberg
Inspired by the stories of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov
Moreen Greenberg lives with her husband in Tsfat and paints in her studio-gallery located in the center of the city. She's a member of the Tsfat Artists' Colony and exhibits paintings there. She has had one-woman exhibits in Tsfat and Haifa, and has participated in group exhibits in Natania and Jerusalem.
Moreen was commissioned to paint two murals for the Ziv government hospital in Tzfat: "The Blind Beggars Story", inspired by the story "The Seven Beggars" by Rabbi Nachman of Breslav, and a landscape, "The Rooftops of Tsfat." In 1985, the year of the first official Ethiopian Jewish aliyah to Israel, she was commissioned by Livnot U'Lehibanot to paint a mural at the Immigrants Absorption Center, Rehov Tzahal 9 in Tsfat. The l9- meter mural depicts the month-long trek of Ethiopian Jewish families on foot across the desert to the Sudan, where they waited in camps for the Israeli government to fly them to Israel. The figures in the mural are based on her sketches of the immigrants.